Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Santo Daime the same as Ayahuasca?

No. We say they are cousins. The Daime differs from Ayahuasca in a few significant ways. It is made in a specific ceremony, particular to the tradition, and always uses the same two plants. Ayahuasca also contains the same leaf and vine, but can also include other medicinal plants as well.

The Santo Daime is a spiritual and religious path that has particular rituals that differ from Ayahuasca ceremonies. It has religious as well as spiritist connotations as it came out of Brazil, a country with strong Catholic influence as well as influence, from the native spiritist traditions. All people who come are encouraged (as they can and feel) to participate in the prayers and singing; in this way the ceremonies are both a collective and individual experience. The Daime is a different plant tradition from that of Ayahusca.

Do I have to believe something specific to attend a ceremony?

No. A sincere wish to participate in spiritual works and discover what you believe for yourself is greatly recommended.

Is the Daime religious?

Yes and no. The Daime has religious elements as it came from a people and a culture who were influenced by both their native traditions, and by the arrival of Catholicism with the colonists. The prayers come from Catholicism, the Saints are present, and we sing a lot about Jesus and God. That being said, it also goes far beyond this, connecting us to the pure spiritual and divine forces and vibrations that have no names. It is a space where each one can discover what and who they believe in.

Is the Daime a hallucinogenic drug?

No. The Daime is not a drug or a hallucinogen. Those looking for an experience with those substances should search elsewhere.

Will I hallucinate?

No. We say in the Daime that you aren’t going to see anything that isn’t already there. The Daime is not a hallucinogen that causes your mind to create things. If you have an existing, latent, or repressed facility for sight, or are someone with strong vision, you may see things. The Daime works with everyone differently.

What if I’m afraid to take Daime?

That’s ok. Don’t let it stop you if you’re called. Everyone goes through this in their journey with the medicine.

Does The Daime heal depression?

Yes and no. The Daime is not a panacea, and it can have a strong balancing effect on brain chemistry, as well as rewire our brain. It can show us the underlying causes of depression, and help move and clear stagnant energy that contributes to depression (if we are willing). It is then up to us to do the work.

Does the Daime heal physical disease?

Yes and no. The Daime is not a panacea. And it can have healing results for all things. It can show us the underlying causes of the physical disease, and help move and clear stagnant energy that contributes to it. It can open us to insight about our best pathway for treatment and healing. It is then up to us to do the work.

Will I throw up?

Maybe. Each person cleans in different ways. Unlike Ayahuasca, the Daime isn’t designed to make everyone purge in this way.

Does the Daime heal addiction?

Yes and no. Like with depression, disease, and any other multi leveled ailment or situation, the Daime can create a space for clearing and healing to happen. It can show underlying causes and contributors to addiction on all levels. It is then up to us to do the work.