Church of The Holy Light of The Queen

Church of The Santo Daime in Ashland, Oregon

Welcome to our salao, or temple.

We are a small spiritual community in Southern Oregon, working together to preserve and continue the traditions of the Santo Daime spiritual path, and to ground Light on Earth while offering and holding a safe space for healing and transformation.

Here’s a short video with one of the leaders of our church, Jonathan Goldman, sharing what the Santo Daime is, where it comes from, and how it works in the areas of spiritual healing and connection to the Divine and one’s self.


Who is CHLQ?

CHLQ is a Legal Santo Daime church in Ashland, Oregon. It has been in operation since 1996 and maintains ties and relationships with churches and communities all over Brazil. CHLQ is a center for self-transformation and healing, spiritual connection and education, and is open to all people sincerely seeking these things.

What is The Santo Daime?

The Santo Daime is a sacred medicine path originating in the Amazon basin of Brazil. It is a spiritual path of healing, self-knowledge, and personal and spiritual development centered around a medicinal sacramental tea and specific spiritual tenents.

Attending a Ceremony

Anyone who is interested in attending a ceremony is welcome to fill out a new person packet. This will allow you to learn more about CHLQ, the Santo Daime, and to see if it’s a good fit. Read more about our process of receiving new people.

Member Features

Access our calendar of works + offerings and announcements within the community.

Dedicated to the preservation and continuing development of The Santo Daime tradition, and the safety, personal healing, and self-development of each individual who comes.